Meet Our Partners
REZOS BRANDS S.A., established in 1983 in Patras, Greece, is a pioneering agri-food SME, specializing in superfoods and functional foods. Adhering to the “Farm to Fork” model, our vertically integrated approach covers cultivation, research, processing, and distribution, offering high-quality, innovative products with a particular focus on precision agriculture and sustainable processing techniques. Our “Hippocrates” farm showcases organic superfood cultivation, primarily focusing on sea buckthorn, using precision agriculture and innovative processing techniques. Furthermore, our European R&D Department drives research, development, and participate in national and EU projects (Horizon Europe, H2020, Erasmus+, PRIMA, LIFE, BBI, EEA Grants, ENI-MED, etc.) while exploring smart farming, food science, personalized nutrition, and digital solutions. REZOS BRANDS S.A. is dedicated to elevate the world of agri-food.
The Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics (CING) is established in Nicosia, Cyprus and has commenced operations in 1990. It is a medical and biomedical translation center, which is probably the most successful model nowadays as it combines education, service and research activities in one center, providing major medical benefits to the people, society and the country. CING was one of the first, and today one of the best, examples in Europe where postgraduate education, research and service have been successfully combined. In particular, the Department of Cancer Genetics, Therapeutics & Ultrastructural Pathology (Beneficiary in RIA4FOOD) provides a spectrum of diagnostic services on various types of cancer and other disease pathologies as well as conducts research activities in the areas of cancer genetics / epigenetics, cancer therapeutics, nutrition and cancer, among others. To this end, the department is involved in various research proposals some of which include Horizon 2020, Horizon-Europe and various Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions.
The activities of the UPAT’s Department of Pharmacy group of the Biomolecular NMR (PI: Prof. G.A.Spyroulias) encompass the conformational dynamics of biomolecules, the analysis of natural products and identification of signature molecules in foods or biomarkers for human diseases. The group applies methods for (a) Protein expression, labeling and purification, (b) Biomolecular NMR for 3D structure determination and drug design, (c) biophysical and functional characterization, (d) NMR -based food analysis and clinical metabolomics, using state-of-the-art facilities, such as High-definition 700MHz-NMR/CD/UV-Visible/Fluorescence spectrometers, SEC-MALS, Micro Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC), and others. The lab is recognized as a core facility in 2 National/Greek Research Infrastructure (RIs, namely INSPIRED and OMIC-ENGINE), and has participated or coordinated >30 National/EU projects since 2008, demonstrating significant fund raising and management capacity. Currently, the UPAT team participates and is a Steering Board Member in the HORIZON EUROPE e-Infrastructure REMOTE-NMR, while it coordinates an ambitious WIDERA program at UPAT, the ESPERANCE project.
BSRC Fleming is a top-ranked Greek non-profit research organization with a mission to perform cutting edge basic and translational research in biomedical sciences, provide state-of-the-art training and mentorship to scientists and students of all levels, offer high-end scientific and technological services, and engage in technology transfer and innovation. The Center was established in 1998, and operates under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT). The Proteomics facility offers services for the quantitative analysis of proteins and the characterization of their interactions and post-translational modifications. A Thermo Scientific Q Exactive HF-X Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer and an LTQ Orbitrap XL Hybrid Ion Trap are available, providing outstanding tools for advanced proteomics. Both instruments are coupled to specialized RSLCnano systems for peptide separation.
UASVMCN stands as a diverse research consortium, uniting experts in chemical engineering, food engineering, process technology, and biochemistry. The group is actively engaged in a spectrum of research and development initiatives within the realm of food technology, focusing particularly on the industrial sector. Their primary emphasis lies in pioneering innovative approaches to food processing and the development of novel functional food products and ingredients. Within the framework of the RIA4FOOD project, UASVMCN assumes a pivotal role in optimizing extraction processes, encapsulation, and freeze-drying methodologies. Their research extends to the comprehensive characterization of extracts, the study of fungal prevalence, quality assessment, and the evaluation of shelf-life. By leveraging their multidisciplinary expertise, UASVMCN is at the forefront of advancing methodologies and technologies in the pursuit of enhancing food processes and creating high-quality functional food products and ingredients.
Inspire Science (INSPSCI) is a pioneering company dedicated to advancing the science of nutrition. INSPSCI’s overarching mission is to inspire positive change in how we approach food and nutrition. Through a culture of scientific inquiry and effective communication, the company aims to contribute to a healthier and more informed society. Beyond research and dissemination, INSPSCI implements strategic actions to optimize project value and strengthen its impact. This includes innovative research methodologies, collaboration with industry leaders, and the development of evidence-based recommendations.

NovaMechanics (NovaM)is an SME based in Cyprus with over 10 years of experience in R&D projects. NovaM focuses on developing scientific solutions and software tools in the fields of chem/bio/nano informatics, simulation, and medicinal & materials chemistry. NovaM applies state-of-the-art mathematical techniques to create, implement, and interpret validated predictive models for big data analysis, computer-aided drug discovery, and materials science. NovaM’s goal is to increase profitability, reduce risk, and decrease experimental costs in the process of designing and producing new materials or drugs by conceiving new modeling ideas and designing and performing simulations, testing, and validation procedures. NovaM’s staff has strong managerial and scientific expertise in large-scale scientific R&D projects (>12M). NovaM has participated as a major partner or coordinator in over 35 EU & National funded multidisciplinary research projects (23 European projects ) in the areas of Data Analytics, Cheminformatics & Nanoinformatics, Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence, Personalized Medicine, Drug Discovery, and Materials Simulations and Design. For more information on NovaM’s projects, visit: NovaMechanics has been awarded two projects as a coordinator under H2020: “Innovative Nanoinformatics models and tools: towards a Solid, verified and Integrated Approach to Predictive (eco)Toxicology” (NanoSolveIT – 24 partners, 6 million euros) and “NanoInformatics Approaches for Safe-by-Design NanoMaterials” (CompSafeNano – 1.7 million euros).
The University of Piemonte Orientale – UPO, is a public Italian University established in 1998. It has 8 Departments, one School of Medicine, 400 professors/researchers, more than 150 PhD students, and more than 100 post-doc positions. UPO offers a full range of academic disciplines (Economics, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Law and Political Science, Social Science, Medicine and Surgery, Natural Sciences, Humanities) to embrace a large number of activities: basic and representative courses, laboratories, apprenticeships, training periods and international exchanges. UPO has been acknowledged as a competent partner of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Union body for risk assessment regarding food safety. UPO have also established a significant number of international relationships with European and non-European universities: currently there are nearby 30 agreements for research activities and exchanges and about 100 Erasmus agreements for student exchanges. UPO is partner of several European research and education program; it has been involved in 21 FP7 Projects and 17 H2020 Projects (4 as Coordinator).
Project Coordinator
Eugenia Karamouzi
196 New National Road Patras-Athens 26553
Patras | Greece
Phone Number: +302610423021
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Grant agreement No 101131479.